Therefore, for the life in the future, look from whence thy came. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Can "MegaQuakes" really happen? In this day and this time of yours, when you are beginning to learn that the color and creed or another persons religion is not what makes the person, it is what they are. Prophetically anointed, Liberty, foretells in 2020, that Californians only had 2 days (2 years) to get out of California, as well as the testimony of Ernesto Elias, showing 2022 is the year! Ads are what helps us bring you premium content! For soon upon your earth all things shall change, for men should burn and steal and kill, and darkness shall come upon your earth. There a new group among you shall be formed.. Akas guidance June 19, 1976, comes to mind: Pray that the underwater flows shall enter the crevasses and cushion the earth faults.], Of this we say unto thee, your thousand years can begin at any time, but not as you should count, but as our Father should count. Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. And there shall stand a mighty monument, for within each person shall be the temple of God. You are a free people. Learn that it is not the knowledge that should come from written words, but words that are put into written writing that are wisdom. As he described this tumultuous deram, I remembered a Scripture that I heard back in the 1970s. And for those who should put their poison in the sea, they should drink of the same. [See The Revelation 8:613. For they shall all become one. The west coast of the United States sits along "the Ring of Fire". After the splitting of the earth, the land that they stand on at this time shall be as island. And all things that have been prophesied shall come about. So could a substantial portion of southern California someday actually slide into the ocean like we see in the movies? Man has lived. And other eruptions shall come forth. In the teaching of Gods way thy shall rise, if this way is done right and done without selfish motives. When thy pray, should thy recite something that someone else has thought that means nothing to you? We have come unto thee but for one purpose and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. This land mass shall cover an area of 50-by-100 miles. And, as your journey went forward up into the Eagles nest, and there you should see the wedding of the Eagle, and you knew the full meaning of Gods words. And we shall answer in this manner. At that time, this land as thy know it now shall start sinking. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens. Do not become fearful. June 12, 1970: Now, we have told you before of whence man came. ], ___________________________________________________________________. Only with the consent of the soul that dwells within thy temple can there be true baptism. Thy will know each of thy kind, for thy come from the believers of One, and the worship of One, and the worship of thy one true God. Our message, should it be heeded, shall save your earth, as thy would know it. Very soon, the discovery of the cosmic magnetic rays shall be known and thy universe shall be open to mankind. That is thy free choice. Glory be the name of the Lord. Like a magnitude 10 or larger? They shall continue to grow in intensity until the year of 1999. The first shall be so small that thy shall not even feel it. Yet, should I say to you, Come into the kingdom of God at the end of thy planes, then thy should have reached the Christ state, and your planes shall have ended, and thy would sit next to God. After giving guidance to help an individuals health, this question is asked. Wait. Look within the back readings. And I was wondering if this was a real conversation with him, or was this just my imagination? As a result, dont be concerned if an earthquake occurs in your area. . And soon the land shall become part of the ocean. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 is the most famous in California history, but it was not the only one on the San Andreas Fault. It will crumble and fall back to the floor and will ultimately break off the east cost of California along the San Andria fault line. ], Very shortly, you shall have what you [would, will] call another earthquake in your Southern Pole area. You have asked this question. Drilling holes the baffles should be made preferably of oak; if not, pine would do oak would be better drilling the holes in one-eighth diameter. It has become time to take an interest in such a manner that the land shall fulfill itself. And that that man should place in the earth should cause destruction and movement of the earth in the same manner. At that time, brother shall attack brother, sister shall hate sister, father shall slay son. For those who should walk in Lucifers steps, there shall be never, and always upon thy earth, for they shall be the lost, and they shall dwell and be cast into the mighty pit and there Lucifer shall be chained. Yet, when you arrived back into this land, you could not make those who were there understand. This period shall come about in the year, two thousand no, the records show, 2202 2 yes, this is the records show. But if you should not know of this sin unto others, but learn of it later and do not do this again unto man, this shall not be a karma, for it shall have ended as had it began. A large earthquake is expected to hit California this year, according to Nostradamus. Yes, we see thy need. Store as much dried and preserved fruits, vegetables, as thy can. We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. ], As we have said before, we are not great. The Fifth Angel stands awake upon your earth. The golden age of your population, the golden age of your civilizations, have risen and fallen into the dust. As we study prophetic guidance about the Big One, remember Akas words June 16, 1970, that the valley below the sea would be underwater in the future? As we have told thee before, in the preparation of our coming, much work was needed, much work was needed in the choosing of our instrument, in the readiness of the same. Do I have work to do there?, We shall answer your question in this manner. These secrets shall be known shortly into your world again, for as we have said before, all things shall be uncovered unto thee. Survival is not the only thing. And we should say unto thee, where no water flowed, water shall flow, that the clouds shall open unto abundance of the same. Your earths rotation shall change. Has naturally occurring earthquake activity been increasing? Next. Soon after they arrived with the brightest light in the heavens, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, lovingly told, on May 15, 1970: For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. If during the day, each of you could spend a little time in meditation, and thinking of God and love, and each day thy could seek out one soul upon thy plane and speak one word in the name of God, then Gods temple would slowly be built, and no more of Gods tears should be shed, and all of His mansions shall be full. Where no water flows, water shall flow. It is not a large building. In the month of June, July, and August, hurricanes and tornados shall ravish the land. There are many messages, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, answered. And he bid you journey with him. [124233Goddard, Kansas] asks, What can I do to help in preparing for the coming of the Messiah?. The Lord saw fit to send forth His prophet, Jonah, to the city to warn the people. But remember, what God has given, it is only Gods power to take away. Joe Brandt's 1937 Dream Of California Falling Into The Ocean I woke up in the hospital room [] Meranda Devan June 16, 2016 1. Walk in thy climb of the ladder in such a way that thy shall be a mirror upon thy earth. The river shall change it course at this time, or attempt to, and man shall try to stop it. Aside from this, some vibrations have been measured by several stations; these may be earthquakes under the ocean.]. As it has been said before, there are thoughts in thy mind. We have given you the information before every earthquake or hurricane or tornado-type storm, or any other thing that might harm you. You will call it an inconvenience, but your stomach will call it a disaster. And yet, there dwelled among you those of the Bird Clan of the Hopi, who had taken your ways, who had taken their knowledge and gave it unto you. According to the Lord, I will not revoke the punishment for three transgressions of Damascus and four transgressions of the Syrian people. Words spoken well are good, but only should there be action placed behind them. ], And as soul Bartholomew did take the step backward, then we should say unto you, as thy would know this person as the other B__, henceforth, he should be known as soul Bartholomew. And this time shall be known in your time as four years, six months. If an earthquake strikes close to your home, even if it is miles away from the fault or epicenter, you may experience damage. Can thy understand this? Then we should tell you in this way. Designed by TecGuru | Corrections Policy | Privacy Policy. We should say these words Harken unto you, for the Lord is great. They should erupt in the mid-continental states. But only man himself may destroy the spirit. We also say unto you, Atlantis has come and gone many times. The odds of having an earthquake every 300 years are 1 in a billion. And as the Bird Clan had prepared therefore of summer, for the coming of the other clans, to provide water in greater amounts, as the ceremony had reached its peak, one known as Tokokan saw you standing and looked upon you and said, Oh brother, why do you linger so close?, And you spoke unto him and said unto this one, We know of your problem. But the Spartans of war, the rumors of war, wars in Quebec, wars in Mexico, all of these are made to weaken your nation, to weaken your people. We should say the same for thy food; prepare a place that is both dark and dry. It was created when an accident diverted water from the Colorado River via a canal. If thy should fall and slip upon this ladder, then thy would go backward. And we should say in this manner, proportions of your Earth shall now start to change. The parable that Aka said Ray read this day, June 7, 1980, was the prophecy below, that Aka gave, March 17, 1972, on the coming of the Messiah. And we have said before to both of thee, look backward from which thy came, so thy would know from where thy are going. If thy should say a prayer to God and mean this prayer for Lucifer, then Lucifer shall answer the prayer and not our Father. If such a thing were to happen in Los Angeles or San Francisco, the death and destruction would be on a scale that would be absolutely unimaginable. it scared me.]. We should say one more word; add this to your name. That is a sign that God will give this giving to the people- dont worry about that big one. And two shall bring forth ten, and ten shall bring forth one hundred, and one hundred should bring forth one thousand, and one thousand should bring forth one hundred thousand, and one hundred thousand shall bring forth one million, and one million shall bring forth the face of the earth. Can some people sense that an earthquake is about to happen (earthquake sensitives)? And the souls that dwelled here, at that time were souls who did not worship the God of Oneremained here forevermore. First, we would give you of these words. Do solar flares or magnetic storms (space weather) cause earthquakes? And these islands, many inhabitants shall flee to. According to the US Geological Survey, there is a one in three chance that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake will strike the San Andreas Fault within the next 30 years. For all that has been covered shall be uncovered, for where no light has shone light shall shine again, and our Fathers light shall be seen both upon your heaven and earth, for our Father is the creator of all things. We find, therefore, the records of all time that lie before you. The harnessing of the cosmic-magnetic energy flow should be brought about within a two-year time. Heat, greater temperatures than your earth has ever known shall reach the earth and scorch it. For in Gods plan, we should tell thee, it shall be no more, for as water flows, so shall the spirit of God flow. But remember, your earth is only one of many, and your people are only one of many. The Jordan River speaks of death. We know thy choice shall be to remain where thy are. For those who should try, their souls shall be with Lucifer. When the two groups came face to face, Moses companions cried out, We are all gone. No, Moses responded. Also see The great Sword is here, Now you ask, What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?, and Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine. But a great, great hurricane, our incredible force is going to come to California, and the earthquake that destroys (California) will not happen until after that takes place. And you had given unto them. New upheavals shall happen in the proportion known as Australia. Learn more: USGS Geomagnetism Program, A new fault map of the shelf offshore of San Francisco, California shows that faulting occurs as a distributed shear zone that involves many fault strands with the principal displacement taken up by the San Andreas fault and the eastern strand of the San Gregorio fault zone. You have been told before, for the Lord shall put His power into these angels, and the angels shall dwell their power from the Lamb and the Lambs blood. Those who were there have yet to restore themselves from this. If you are prepared to these times, you will not worry. You of the American people are the melting pot. And we say unto these people of your group, prepare now for the famine. Natural disasters in the Bible can appear to be caused by Gods anger at first glance, but they lack the texts complexity. Joe was saying that he had an accidenta fall from a horse when he was 17, and for days he had a concussion. This should go farther over. We should go back before the time of Atlantis into a civilization, as thy would call it, greater than any that has ever been on your earth before, with more scientific knowledge, more powers to heal than has ever been on your earth since. The earths shift is inevitable. And then there shall be a thousand years of peace upon this earth. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Now, on the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. And as God gives His love unto thee, this love shall flow into your hearts and souls, and out again unto your brothers. You have had many years to do this. , May 2, 1971, a question was asked in Yuma, Arizona: Do you have any special messages for us this evening?.
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